After a devastating fire Creta Farm decided to rebuild and install a cutting edge energy efficient solution for the production plant in Crete. The prestigious assignment to design the new cold storage went to ecoRef in Athens. They designed an indirect cooling system with R407F and Temper -15 as secondary fluid using adiabatic Mita technology. The results have exceeded the expectations with significantly reduced energy costs.
Rethymno Production plant
To comply with the new F-gas regulations and to reduce the energy consumption, Creta Farm and ecoRef installs a modern secondary refrigeration system with a high reliability.
The refrigeration installation
The old R22 compressors was in good condition and could be saved and used in the new installation. The new system was designed with R407F as the primary refrigerant and Temper -15 as heat transfer fluid.
The system is water-cooled via a high efficient Mita evaporative condenser which operates with adiabatic method. Aerodynamic type of fan blades are used which minimize energy input from the motors. The motors are directly coupled in the fans minimizing moving components (less maintenance). Mita electronic management system controls condensing temperature and pressure, by continuous calibration of fan speed and water consumption.
Due to the design of taking into consideration condensing pressure and outside temperature the system can run in dry mode, wet mode and mix mode(dry/wet) maximizing energy efficiency and minimizing water consumption.
A buffer tank of 8m3 stores Temper -15 at -6 °C and service the refrigerated areas through a set of electronically con-trolled pumps. The freezer circuit remained a R407F-DX system with electronic expansion valves and Energy Efficient Defrosting